
Peer reviewed and government publications

Climate change and children: A human security challenge (UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre 2008) (contributing author)
The impacts of climate change on water-, food-, vector- and rodent-borne diseases
(Dominique Charron et al.), in Human Health in a Changing Climate: A Canadian assessment of vulnerabilities and adaptive capacity (Health Canada 2008)

Professional and trade publications

Stepping up to the climate change challenge: Perspectives on local government leadership, policy and practice (edited by Susan W. Gardner and David Noble)
Climate in crisis or climate for change
(David Noble, March 08)
Guelph's community energy plan
(Peter Barrow, January 2008) - we didn't write this one, but we've been working on the CEP and are proud of it!
The rising tides of 2007
(David Noble, Trevor Dixon Bennett and Aiden Abram, December 2007)
Climate change is a wicked problem II
(David Noble and Trevor Dixon Bennett, November 2007)
Climate change is a wicked problem I
(David Noble and Trevor Dixon Bennett, October 2007)
Public health implications of climate change
(Dominique Charron and David Noble, September 2006)
Canada's climate is changing
(David Noble and Bano Mehdi, April 2006)
Getting started on adaptation to climate change
(David Noble, March 2006)
Climate change and the role of Canada's environmental health professionals
(Domenic Losito and David Noble, Spring 2007)
Climate changes and the health of Canadians
(Lea Berrang-Ford and David Noble, Winter 2006)

Opinion writing and current affairs

An ocean apart on climate change North American complacency on global warming amounts to a government-sponsored denial of reality, argues David Noble (Op-ed, in E!Sharp, Jan 2010)

Patron letters urging strong sectoral responses to climate change

Dr. Cory Neudorf's letter to Canadian public health professionals
Dr. Gerry Predy's letter to Alberta Medical Health Officers
The Hon. Roy McMurtry's letter to Canadian legal sector
Janet Gasparini's letter to the Pope, on behalf of the Social Planning Council's of Ontario

Blog posts and media from the Cape Farewell art/science expedition 2008 to Greenland and the Inspire Antarctic Expedition 2009

Cape Hopeful - a letter from Cape Farewell (David Noble, 2009), in Alternatives Journal
Celebrities embark on climate change voyage (great short piece from CNN, Sept 28 2009)

Icebergs and discos in Disko Bay
350's on the beach of Qeqertartsuaq
Video hello from David
David Noble's in-flight photo booth
Record in Reykjavik
Eyeballs can go pop
On my way to launch

The expedition short film
Notes from the field