Recent News

Canada & Kyoto!

December 15th, 2011

Call to action

October 20th, 2011

Burning Ice

May 23rd, 2011

Green Smart Kids

April 14th, 2011

CEC Fundraiser

March 2nd, 2011

2degreesC launches blog

September 5th, 2009

We are thrilled to finally have a blog up and running - check it out at

We hope this to become a site where we explore the notion of being active citizens in our culture in response to climate change. Al Gore says we must be active citizens in our democracies. It goes beyond that. We must be active citizens in our culture. What does that really mean? How do we actually do that? That's what we are going to explore.

This blog is about our various participation in the big cultural change effort. It is about how each of us are trying to make big changes. We have all (hopefully!) changed our light bulbs, switched to reusable shopping bags, and starting turning off the tap when we brush our teeth. Collectively we are on our way to one million acts of green.

But many of us are doing so much more. Moving well beyond the realm of individual behaviour change, we are trying to change our shared attitudes, values, goals and practices that make up our everyday reality. We are trying to change the “rules of the game” that influence our individual and collective behaviours in our homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces and professions. We are raising our children differently, not so they will “know better”, but so they will live differently (and better).

We don’t all think of our efforts as such, but they are in fact helping drive a cultural shift. Culture, in a sense, is nothing more than patterned activity. Each and everyone one of us, in each of our actions, either perpetuates that pattern, or changes it in some small way. We are all participants in our culture. And those of us who are trying to change things are in fact contributing to that rapid, transformative change that is so badly needed.

So, this is an invitation to you to contribute to this blog and to the community we hope to nurture. We need to hear your stories about your active participation in our cultural change. Let’s build our knowledge and inspiration for how we can all be more active on this issue. If we are more active at the cultural level, rather than just in our individual behaviours, we’ll turn a million acts of green in to a billion.